Little Britain – exploring populations

Population Explorer is a new crowd-vis tool. Pick a number and Population Explorer will create a population of that size that matches the British population. For instance, in a population of 100 there will be 59 Christians and 25 people with no religion. Population Explorer can be used for any population, but more interestingly it can allow us to use population as a way to understand natural and financial resources.

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Making a load of rubbish!

Over the summer Real World Visuals brought a pile of rubbish to life in Bristol. Commissioned by the Bristol Waste Company, the two films show dramatic piles of waste and recycling material in Ashton Court Estate in Bristol. 

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Helping lions and people co-exist

How do you stop lions eating livestock, and people from killing lions in retaliation?  How do you improve the relationship between people and one of the worlds biggest carnivores? These are the challenges that have faced renowned lion researcher Alayne Oriol-Cotterill (Lion Landscapes) for the last thirteen years. 

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World Bank Award for our young film-makers

We’re delighted that two of our colleagues, who took on the tricky topic of carbon-pricing, have won a worldwide film-makers competition run by the World Bank.

Bristol-based Dani Tinez and Jay Carter-Coles put together a film that lasts just a minute, and confronts the viewer with the question: Pay now, or pay later for carbon emissions?

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Let there be light…

"Sir, Writing by Candlelight…" was the unimprovable title for a collection of essays by the radical historian Edward Thompson. It captured the aggrieved tone of a particular class of person firing off a letter to the press, during the three day week in the UK, perhaps, when Edward Heath's government confronted the coal miners, or the all out miners' strike a decade later. Don't these people realise how I and others are suffering here? Get them back to work. They have a duty to keep things going; but I (we) have no obligations to them.

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What is the carbon footprint of a VW Golf?

Buying an electric car is good for the environment.  But how good?  Although there are no emissions from the exhaust pipe, the electricity has to be produced somewhere.  And the carbon intensity of that electricity varies hugely from country to country depending on the fossil fuel, renewable and nuclear energy mix.

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Interactive estates and campus visualiser

Energy use in buildings accounts for around 40% of global carbon emissions.  Yet normally only buildings and energy managers - engaged people are aware or concerned about this energy use.   But ‘non-engaged’ building users can help energy reduction, and enable substantial cost savings, by changing their own behaviours if they are more aware of the challenge.

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More than a rebrand

Welcome to Real World Visuals - a new business with an excellent pedigree. Formed by the operational team of Carbon Visuals who pioneered ways of bringing carbon emissions data to new audiences, Real World Visuals will bring data to life for even more people.

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